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This question is actually not as puzzling once you discover how to see THE RED FLAGS
Domestic Violence is a pattern of acts and behaviors of Abuse.
The Dating relationship,or come-Let-us -stay -together usually starts off on a very joyful,cloud nine mood.
Most domestic abusers are very charming ,beautiful and have very attractive public characters.
At the same time they are obsessively domineering to what they deem their property.
They are very manipulative ,calculative ,jealous and their one desire is to gain and maintain control over their intimate partners
They will put on a show until they have the right grip and then start squeezing harder each time.
- In the beginning the Acts may start off as similiary harmless or gratifying.
- They will be loving and laughing and then silent at times and you catch them offhand scrutinizing you almost with a sneer on their face.
- They are fantastic liars and can put on a on the spot dramatic show of kindness or remorse”crocodile tears”.
- They will usually start off with loving words of wanting to spend all your free time with them.
- They will start convincing you to cancel appointments with your friends or visits with family.
- They will insist on picking you up at a dinner or a visit with friends just to indirectly let them know you have a new man or woman in your life now
- They will appear at a wedding or party or other private function uninvited.It does not matter that it is a company function.If you point this as undesirable they will accuse you of having an affair with your boss,co-worker,cousin,anybody who they imagine is drawing your attention away from them.
- When your mobile rings they will always pick it up for you pretending it is a favor but they want to see the id caller.
- They will go through your handbag,wallet,drawers or even books .You will know because they can not help but enquire.They are not very good at hiding their true feelings of jealousy,possessiveness and envy.
- They will be envious of your career or whatever you own if they deem theirs lower.
- They will befriend all your best friends and family .They will hate and turn you against the one friend,family member even a child who sees through their mask.
- By this time the first signs of physical and verbal abuse followed by the other abuses will have started.
- If you want out they will start stalking you.
- They will scare you ,intimidate you,slap ,shove and get the last will if you do not take control of your life.
- check our dashboard or Google:Domestic Violence Abuse
- There are trained voluntary help centers with people 24/7 to take your call
- TALK TO SOMEONE.Why Not Today?
Some Facts to know
- Domestic disputes are some of the most common calls for Police Service.
- Know that You Are Not The Only One To Fall into being a Victim.
- Every 1 out of 3 and 1 out 4 men experience some form of D.V.A. in their life.
- It always starts as a simple assault,to physical, mental and other deeper,more serious injuries from hospitalizations to death”homicide”
- IT also has lasting harmful effects in cases where are children in that home
- As a parent you or your child do not deserve to live in fear and danger.
- There is always a way out!
- Check the Helpline-Help is FREE and can be Anonymous if you so wish to make such a call for advise
- FACT:Sad and Tragic Most forms of domestic violence/abuse are unknown to the larger families,friends co-workers and community.
- Most forms of abuse leave no outer visible marks or broken bones and black eyes.
- Though Alcohol or other Addictions may escalate domestic violence abuse: They are NOT THE Cause.