DOMESTIC VIOLENCE & ABUSE is ALL ABOUT POWER & CONTROL.We all know that there has been an increase of people being displaced from their lands and homes because of ethnic and tribal wars,political victimization ,gender issues ,climate change causing droughts, floods,diseases and many other increasing new pandemics.There is also forced migration by human traffickers, poverty,joblessness,further education,family reunions and all for dignity purposes.This is the natural right of every human being to cross borders in search of dignity, a worthy living , that brings value to themselves and their loved ones.
Now if one is a immigrant,refugee or asylum seeker, they are bound to face some unique challenges that make it hard to seek help.Their abusive partners may use their migrant status to exert more cruelty on their intimate partners,more so in Covid-19 pandemic times. According to materials from Futures Without Violence & Casa de Esperanza,these are some tactics used to Abuse Migrant Partners.
- ISOLATION:Preventing the victim from learning the language of the host country e.g German language.
- They may refuse them to communicate with friends,family or those of their home countries.
- THREATS:Threatening them with Deportation or Withdrawal of their Legal status like their registered address and /or Visa .
- INTIMIDATION:Destroying their documents needed in the host country such as Passports,Resident cards,Health insurance,or Drivers License.
- MANIPULATION REGARDING CITIZENSHIP OR RESIDENCY:Withdrawing or Not filing papers for extended residency.
- LYING by threatening that the victim will lose their citizenship or residency if they Report the violence or abuse,
- ECONOMIC ABUSE:Getting the Victim Fired from their job.Calling Victim`s employers and falsely reporting that the victim is undocumented.
- STALKING:Following them everywhere.Appearing at unexpected places like the supermarket or bus.This is especially prevalent in former relationships.Calling endlessly at all times,forcing the victim to change numbers frequently,and sometimes even shift residence
Domestic Violence of any form ;MUST NOT BE PHYSICAL,it could be emotional,sexual,child witness abuse etc. It is Against The Law Regardless of Your Immigration Status.Call the Hotline for Help in Your Area.They Are Volunteers 24/7 Just for You.
****A SPECIALIZED Immigrant Attorney should be your first point of contact ,when it comes to immigration questions and concerns.Contact:- SUPPORT HOTLINE:
- Friends and Victims familarize yourself with these signs below.
- Other organizations help too for example AGRISA; Caritas,Diakonie WOMENSLAW.FIDA,etc
Please consult one of them before proceeding with ANY OTHER course of Action