Children are very sensitive because of their tender years and require nurturing and protection from their parent(s) as well as the community.When a child discloses to you about abuse in the home,among st their parent ;what do you or don`t do or say?
- Appreciate that child .Let them know that you understand how difficult it was for them to reveal a family secret.
- Remember,it is a very big deal for that child .They could be maimed or killed for telling you,therefore,take necessary action to report or seek help on their behalf.
- Keep on reassuring that child by validating their experience.how?
- Let them know they are brave,they did the right thing and you are very proud of them.
- Follow the child`s lead,depending on where you are and who you are.Again necessary steps.call a hotline without the child necessarily standing there and call hotline to ask for guidance.
- Under no circumstances do not speak evil about the abusive partner.remember it is their parent whom they love in their own way.
- Do not make promises or committments you can not keep.But on the other hand ,do not keep the information to yourself playing safe and neutral.Children need people who love enough to help and walk the talk.
We are all responsible citizens and owe it to all children to grow up safe and healthy.Refusing to report a case of domestic violence that you are aware of in your community is a lack of care and empathy.Let us join hands to eradicate this menace:Domestic Violence Abuse
- I am Concerned for The Safety of Your Child or Children.
- I am Concerned for Your Safety.
- YOU and Your Children DO NOT DESERVE to be Abused in Anyway
- There is HELP AVAILABLE Out There