AWaken by Listening.
Domestic Violence &Abuse Awareness Month

“Actions speak louder Than Words !”
•Listen to Yourself keenly.Your body,mind,spirit and above all Your ❤ Heart.It only knows good ? ,if it is hurting it can only be ? something bad .
•JOURNAL.This is so important.It does not have to be a paper unstained with tears, ,or grammatically correct, write fast what coming from your heart-mind.It may sound crazy,don’t self judge. Don’t read it then .Fold and put away in a secret,safe place.When the time is right to read those daily,weekly or monthly notes comes you will know ?.Be patient and careful.
•Take Stock and Pack. A bag, one never used that can not be missed.If you have kids always mostly know where their favorite toy.Hide somewhere.Safe waterproof documents. Let it be your little secret ? or another who is helping you.
•When those honey-moon moments reappear , because they will, abuser starts showing some form of love ? after days of abuse do not fall for the game,get drawn into the lie.One thing an abuser knows is how to play with your emotions and to test how far they have scored in their abusive game of power and control.If they see changes ,smell a rat so to say ,see some sort of calmness they take stock and watch you like a hawk.They are masters and if you are not aware of the Red flags they will bring you back into the box ? with ? presents and lovey-dovey actions.
•EDUCATE yourself as much as you can about Domestic Violence and non-physical Abuses such as, isolation,demeaning insults,evil thoughts and plans by LISTENING IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND.
•Do ? NOT take Threats in an intimate relationship lightly ,nor constant false ? accusations as small jealousies.They are real and not joking. If he/she says:”Next time you do this or that l am going to kill you, throw kids you out of the house,beat you till you can not recognize yourself in the mirror etc.Please start Listening ? and Talk to Someone.Take action:call The Hotlines.
•Are we ❤ together?Many people care about helping you .You are not alone and you do not deserve abuse of any kind.Period! Yes!you can survive ? they are not your breath of life although they can take it away!if this life you are living means hell on earth ask yourself why?
•Heaven on Earth ? is right here!!!!But, my dear, you and only You must take the first action of seeking help.
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