Day12:Power &Control-8 Main Blocks 1-8 Introduction
Unmasking Domestic Violence & Abuse Awareness

Does an Abuser Know What They Are Doing?YES!Every Move is A Calculated Move.Do They Want To HURT YOU?YES! It Fuels their EGO.Can l Change Their Behavior By Being Extremely Quiet and Meek? NO!!!They have a problem NOT you!Instilling Fear in you gives them great pleasure.”LOVE SHOULD`NT HURT”
There are 8 Main Blocks common in All domestic or intimate relationship abuse cases.Educating ourselves is our main goal this month.This knowledge is powerful and will shift you from a denial mode to an acceptance mode.Your eyes will be opened .You will become more conscious to your heart and mind guidance.I have learnt through out my survivor of DVA years of finding a liberated life that PITY does more harm than good.Blunt,True Facts are more of an eye-opener.I will help you as we unmask every existing method the Abuser uses.We shall explore everyone of the methods and give them a name and description.Hopefully,if you identify with one or more than one of these violations of your dignity,you shall address them with your partner,a friend or better still a Helpline volunteer or Domestic Violence and Abuse office. Let us get some things clear and be on the same page
- .You are Not A Mistake,nor are you stupid.
- You do Not deserve to be hurt.
- You did Nothing wrong.
- You can live a whole well-balanced life again .
- The choice to make a move towards any form of liberation must begin with you.
- You must Trust that there is Help available and All you have to Do is to Stop & ASK for HELP
- This Article was part 1 of 2….the 8