Domestic Violence Facts
Day13 &14:Help Someone Drowning Today!
Unmasking Domestic Violence & Abuse Awareness

These Blogs are articles are an emotional appeal to your compassionate self.Researched Facts :
- Statistically,1 in 3 women in Germany is affected by violence at least once in her life.
- Children are increasingly becoming victims of domestic violence and abuse in their role as SILENT WITNESSES.
- Domestic violence and abuse is carried out in marriages or close relationships ,relatives,siblings or dating partners.
- Domestic Violence & Abuse (DVA) are criminal acts,violations of human rights and MUST BE DISCUSSED More Openly,More Often and Not handled as Taboos
- DVA can only have positive consequences through punishment if the offenders ,Abusers are exposed.
- October Month is a DVA Awarenes Month.Let us acknowledge it as individuals and communities.
- Many abusers are walking around scot-free,and continue to torment their loved ones behind closed doors because their cases are unknown and /or under-reported .
- Another reason why abuse thrives is because of retrieved cases at the request of the abused.A hard,sad,fact.
- DVA is cyclic .Once an abuser desires to gain power and control over their intimate partner the chances of stopping this malice are minimal. There must be some sort of outside legal , medical or or outside help from Family,Police authorities ,Professional help e.t.c.
- This is a communal calling.
- A message to let the victims know they are being heard .
- One to empower the abused to step out and speak by asking for help
- It is a plea to our society to break the silence. Do not handle DVA as a Taboo.
- Refuse to accept any kind of violence as a family matter..
- Let`s appreciate the protection available.Volunteers are working day and night for and not against the victims.
- As An Individual it is our Responsibility to take Action:
- “If you can see it” and /or “If you can hear it”;It is a public matter.
This Global Menace Affects Us All.Please Add all the Hotline numbers etc in the Comments section in whatever part of the world you are.