In a domestic violent relationship there is grief for who we once upon a time were.There is a sadness for being powerless. A fearful sensation of drowning and yet managing to resurface to utter ,”l am sorry!” Grasping and gasping, staying abreath long enough,to do house chores, apply makeup to cover the bruises and create a new story a on the visible scars, maintaining posture as you prepare to make some grand appearance in matching outfits at the church or a wedding as the perfect family.A life-lived swimming ashore alive, yet dead on the inside.
Swept by the waves of power and control,hatred ,demeaning words and violations of one’s dignity at the very core of the foundation called ;Home.
DVA kills the life,while you are still alive.Some Anchors that can help one reach safety and reach their desired destiny are:
- ACKNOWLEDGE . Come out of denial and accept the truth of your situation for what it is.No more excuses to cover up the abuse.
- RECOGNIZE that you are able and you have the power to get yourself out of the hell-hole of the relationship and you do not deserve it.
- ASKING for help regardless of the fear or shame installed by the abuser.Remember he/she is a coward and you do not deserve any of this torment .
- CREATE A NEW STORY that relies on God’s promises that say:Ask and it shall be given unto you.Knock and the doors shall be opened .Seek and you shall find,you shall encounter the miracles that are your true destiny and you will thrive and be joyful again.
- ♥LOVE &HELP Awaits you.Seek It ,Ask for it,Knock on doors ,SPEAK to someone.
- Call 911,the Hotlines or Tell someone you trust to hold your hand and walk with you.Many are voluntarily waiting for your visit/call ?