Survival in the Turmoil

What does it mean to be in a turmoil?TURMOIL:is a state of confusion,disturbance or uncertainty.Why is domestic violence and abuse (DVA),being categorized under such a state?Because ,DVA leaves one completely unstable,in a state of constant fear and a turmoil of anxiety.It is a hurricane of emotions.Currently ,we are in a new season and for you who is reading this and feels like it is the end of the road,l want you to pause.LISTEN &BELIEVE.
YOU Are Loved!You ARE LOVELY!Whether you are a male or female,It is totally irrelevant.You Are a Human Being:A Child of the Universe.I want to Ask you for One small favor.Have you read the Articles on this Website?They were created specifically for you.The research material is very informative.Many hours l worked on it ;”JUST FOR YOU” and it is free!Please re-read.Be sure where you are so that we may speedily get you out of this situation of ;surviving in the turmoil and go launch in the SURVIVORS NEST.It has specifically been tailored for you Subscribe to this website so that you may get the welcome link to SURVIVORS NEST very soon.
Do Not Fear :Not everyone will get in.I shall diligently check in who is who?Remember:Only You can make the first step.Read the articles:The different forms of Domestic Violence &Abuse and why does he/she not leave? …..Huge Hug of love