To win a war one must be strategic.To emerge victorious one must be one step ahead of their enemy.To completely win and be successful ,one must take time to understand the aims and objectives of their enemy.To completely give your enemy a knock out ,you must have a complete mind-shift.You must choose happiness. Happiness is your right.You must not feel ashamed about wanting to be happy.If happiness is not your daily bread,then ask the question “Why?”What or Who is preventing me from being peaceful? What has made me succumb to this tragic situation?Do l want to continue waking up to this every single day of my life?How did l get here?What situation are we addressing here?A domestic violent and abusive situation.A situation where there is An Abuser “the Devil” ;”d-evil” one .It could be an intimate partner,a relative,a parent or a sibling person,that is irrelevant.You must give them an identity.Evil.It is not being judgemental;it is calling a spade a spade and not a spoon.This d-evil is not unaware of their decision to consciously subject you to being their object of submission under all costs.They will do it over and over again unless you change your position.Why do many choose to remain in bondage? We were taught through observation as child-witnesses or guided by those in authorities that it is okay to persevere humiliation.It is okay to remain bonded in an abusive marriage ; “till death do us part”.The caption below illustrates some common forms of DVA: physical,spiritual,emotional,financial,sexual and all kinds of inhumane acts.
DVA manifests as POWER & CONTROL.Do you have any options?Of course you do.Recall who you are.You are A child of The Universe:GOD. Born to live joyfully on this planet.The d-evil has every intention to harm and rob and destroy you.The mark of the devil.But;Note:Without your Permission, NOW that you know the Truth,they are powerless.
You have a choice.Seek Help for yourself first.Adjust your mind compass.You have prayed and here are the answers in black and white.Read the solution-oriented articles on this website.Subscribe to get latest info.Leave your comments.