You have had it up to your neck with the kind of unfairness you have endured for so long, hoping tomorrow will be better. An unfairness that spirals you downwards to a bottomless pit of rejection, beatings, false accusations, intimidation and living in constant fear. But….., your blind eyes have been opened, and now you comprehend that you do not belong here. You undeniably see that this is not fair. You now know without an iota of doubt that you do not deserve this kind of disregard and violation of your dignity. You have familiarized yourself with the red flags and the various forms of DVA from the articles on this website. You can relate, and Now you can unapologetically say STOP! Enough is enough! You need change, and you need it NOW!
All these terms can be identified in your short-lived intimate relationship with your abusive partner /date /ex or current on you. Grasp some facts:
- They can not hear you, nor do they want to.
- They understand and enjoy what they are doing to you. It is not accidental but intentional.
- They justify their abuse from a superior position.
- You can not change them because they do not want to change their privileges.
- You Can Change You Anytime Because This is Your Unique God-Given Position.
- What You Can Do Is …………… Get HELP!
- Read article on Safety Plan
Big Hug!