Did you know that most Perpetrators use Technology to harass, coerce/force, stalk, control and isolate their intimate partners? So how do I Know l am a victim of Technology abuse in my ex or current intimate relationship? Do they………?
- …constantly call, text, and message you online and make you feel like you can not be separated from your phone for fear that they will get angry and you will be punished?
- …call, message or send “Friend Request” to your family, friends?
- …harass you, your employer, workmates, clients through business social media pages and work email addresses?
- …uses sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, foursquare and others to keep tabs on you.
- …puts you down in their status updates even when you object.
- …looks through your phone frequently, picks your calls, checks on pictures, texts -ongoing and outgoing.
- …threatens to share confidential information that could cause you shame, embarrassment such as screenshots of texts?
- …threatens to share intimate images of you?
- …seem to know intimate conversations you have had without being present?
- …gives your kids the latest gadgets during their contact time?
- …play with your children online outside of his agreed contact time?
- …Uses your online restriction times outside of contact time to bring a rift between you and the child not of age to understand court legal restrictions.
- …sends you unwanted explicit pictures and pressures you to send some in return.
- …stalks and harasses you via fake social media profiles.
- …demands you to send explicit videos as a show of your love for them.
- …have access to your banking and social media accounts and assures you it is a sign of trust.
- ..steals and insists on being given your passwords.
- …knows your whereabouts 24/7.
- …turns up unexpectedly at social functions or your private appointments, e.g. doctors appointments.
- ….installs Apps such as “Find You” and convinces you