Domestic Violence Abuse is an increasing Global Menace.Tyrannical and oppressive in nature the abuser has no regard ,respect or care for their intimate partner.There are many forms of intimate relationship abuse and on this Website you can familiarize yourself .Recognizing the “Red Flags” as we unmask them is a safety caution.KNOW YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
- CRIMINAL LAW brings the Abusers to account.
- CIVIL LAW offers those affected the possibility of Protection
- IF you feel you are in an unhealthy situation familarize yourself these signs.
- IF you feel your life is in danger,do not wait to be killed or harmed.CALL THE POLICE:The Emergency number in every country.
- IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PHYSICAL, for you to Report.The Police Do Act and Record even threats.
- (***Most deaths ,attacks have gone unreported and this makes the Abuser very confident . )
- The “Violence Against Women “Hotline or “Domestic Violence” Hotline-THEY ARE THERE FOR YOU.
Very Competent,24/7,Free /Voluntary Service/Anonymous if you so wish.Again check out the numbers today.Ask a friend to check the number for you and keep it safe somewhere.
- WORLDWIDE there are WOMEN ADVICE CENTERS.Why not check them up now, today?Keep numbers safetly hidden.IVisit them.
- WOMEN`S SHELTERS: These offer women protection in secret locations away from further violence.
- (****for every 1-4 women there are also 1-3 men abused daily.Men,there is no need to be ashamed .)
- CHILDREN are protected.They can call and for advice and anonymously.YOUTH WELFARE OFFICES.
CREATE A SAFETY PLAN.If there is a change of behaviour in your partner and they are becoming abusive.
- TAKE PRECAUTIONS-Keep important documents away from your intimate abusive partner.
- An abusive partners main desire is to have total control and power over their intimate partner.
- Intimate Relationships Forms:Dating, Marriage, Co-habiting,Siblings,Relatives,Children as Witnesses.
- Remember to read the different types of DVA.The Abuser will use one of those forms e.g Financial abuse.
- This is a fact. Awaken, recognize and act to Change this unhealthy situation From Victim to Liberated. SEEK