Child WitnessDomestic Violence FactsForms of AbuseMigrant
Stop Looking The Other Way!
Stop the atrocity:DVA is Real!
- Day 2:celebrating the survivors ,the courageous who finally managed to walk out of a toxic abusive, relationship.We know you still hurt at times, but you are safe and free.You deserve ❤ the praise. We also say a silent prayer ? “R.I.P.”for those who were beaten,stabbed, strangled and/ or shot to death, sadly,for some their underage, children watched.l once witnessed my mum stabbed severely by a lover ,but she survived .
l am a Kenyan living in Germany. In a span of about 5 years we witnessed 5 young, Kenyan mothers brutally murdered by their intimate partners. (We will respect the children’s privacy and l will not mention any names).Let’s Say A Silent for the young children left behind and In two of the cases they witnessed the atrocities.In three of the cases the men were not remorseful at all in court or while being arrested.In all cases this was not the first time they had been beaten and neighbours knew .In another case it was an African lady who organised for the brutal murder of her husband together with her lover.The majority of the domestic cases in Europe are the natives and not the immigrants as the media implies by highlighting such cases.
Infact ,statistics show there is a lot of domestic abuse in inter-racial marriages in the diasporan community.The most common forms are :-
- Threats of deportation.
- Hiding or destruction of important documents.
- Being physically thrown out into the cold at night ,changed door locks.
- Not allowed to work or go to school .
- Racial abuse .
- Suppression by being overworked
- Isolation,not allowed contact to friends and family
- The victims dignity is violated on a daily basis . We know this happens to the men as well as women and this abuse is not limited to gender or any religious affiliation.
What am l saying?Let us Pause for a moment. Make a conscious decision of not viewing any form of Domestic Violence and Abuse especially Abuse as unimportant and private. IT IS NOT A PRIVATE MATTER IF IT CAUSES HARM.It breaks down families.It causes traumas. Above all it is a menace to society and these are criminal acts if one can prove them.Do not play a passive role.You hear or notice violence call the police instead of starting to film and tagging everybody.Think of the children as helpless witnesses,a generation that will grow up confused. Reach out to a friend.And lastly Thank you for reading to the end!This pic below depicts a stranded mum and child….could be anybody!