Once upon a time misery was the norm .l lost everything, literally all except my children and the clothes on my back.It happened repeatedly,maybe six times ,running away ,going back and starting all over again.This is a pattern of domestic violence and abuse victims.The traumatic bond of confusion and the narcissistic behavior of the abuser keeps you in returnee mode or permanently maimed mentally or physically.The is other tragic effects is felt by the orphaned children and family.of the menace domestic violence.However,the worst trauma and usually has long term effects is the vulnerable children as witnesses to one of their protectors being abused.lt is our duty as human beings to say No to this tyrannical,oppressive crime .This is a crisis in our society.Reasons why the abuser is being left free are basically:
- We turn a blind eye because It is not happening to us therefore none of our business or
- It is happening to us but we are in denial to call it by it’s name and believe there is room for change.
- We are ashamed and even blamed by the community.We did something wrong they say.
- We are so scared, feel helpless and hopeless.Where do l go?Where do l start?
- The abuser`s isolation and control lies could be hindering reporting the matter to the authorities.This is a normal occurrence especially among are immigrants ,refugees or asylum seekers scared of losing their chances of residency.
Some facts/Tips
- Domestic Violence is not only happening to you .It is rampant,now more than ever because of social distancing and travel restrictions covid-19 measures.If you are Not Even Sure or Know this article is addressing your situation.PLEASE :Call the Domestic Violence Crisis Hotlines Number.They will walk you through the process regardless of who you are. You do not even have to give them your address or name,if you do not wish to.Caution Do not provoke the abuser by telling them your intention to ask for help.
- You are still not sure whether you are really in an escalating domestic violence situation ,keep a secretive journal where you write down the happenings in your intimate relationship.(Not only the bad ,but good too.)It will give you more clarity whether this is getting serious or it just needs a talk with some trustworthy elder or better still a professional like marriage counsellor.
- Intimate relationship abuse occurs among dating couples too.Read the blog on this website :how to identify the Red Flags.
- Whatever, the case maybe Let’s help a friend.HOTLINE Number for Free.
- Feel free to write your comments,thoughts,ideas,… let`s engage.
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