Hey Sis;
Today as l was browsing through the internet, specifically TikTok, my best content App, l came across a video headlined; “All Girls Do is Bleed and Complain”.It was supposed to be funny, but it proves how some men disregard girls and consider them unequal.
It is the 21st century, amongst my generation, mother nature has dealt the girl-child a harsh blow. Most girls in developing countries have minimum or no basic education about reproductive health and girl rights. The use of birth control pills is learnt from their not so well unknowledgeable agemates. In most African homes, sex and preventive methods of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are taboo subjects. Similarly, the cycles of monthly menstruation is not a parental guidance topic of discussion. A girl or young adult is not supposed to have sex outside of marriage, Period! The expected next step to early pregnancy is marriage.
Young women are constantly reminded it is a man’s world. They are expected not to express their hurt feelings or any violation of their dignity. It is considered their nature to stay strong, resilient, persevere and push on regardless of whatever unfair circumstances they find themselves in. Most girls are fighting battles with zero armour. There is an increasing number of girls suffering from mental health issues hidden from society. The victims continue to put up a public front of perfection. It is often argued that many young women are receiving an equal education and equal job positions, but the question remains; at what masked price? Time and time again, cases of gender discrimination have been exposed and demonstrations held during women’s day with statistics to prove the facts. There are rampant cases of sexual abuse in the workplaces, and women are being forced to succumb to their bosses to retain their job or in exchange for a promotion. Thanks to social media, many cases are coming to light, and it is not true that; “all girls do is bleed and complain”.
Ironically, it is said girls are safe and are” overprotected”.The truth is girls and young women are not safe and are disadvantaged in their homes, schools, or even on the roads. It is not uncommon for them to be jeered at loudly by groups of men by the roadside. Most times, these men will shout out sexual insinuating remarks. Sometimes, on radio talk shows about recent cases of rape, assault, or even death news, commentators usually suggest that the victims “asked for it, it was their fault “.The girl’s dress code overrides the violence again, a primitive sign of gender inequality. What proves that girls have no control on an equal basis with their age -mates, the boy-child, is; So Much is expected of them from society. They can not give their views peacefully without a fight. With the rape and incest cases rising in most homes, We should ask ourselves: “are these fully dressed girls provoking the crimes of rape and incest because of their gender?”
We can conclude that both genders need to be fully educated about dignity and respect, gender equality, reproduction and health issues.
Nduta Njai -TEEN Post Content Contributer.Has a great passion for reading and blogging as a community reporter. She describes herself: “I Am A Silent Hero”.She is a second-year student at Kenya College of Accounting, studying Public management and accounting.